The Vaudeville Mews: Making Central Iowa suck a little less
Thursday - Irving w/ Kunek
Irving opened for Voxtrot earlier this year in front of a stunning, like, seven people. I even made a proverbial ass out myself when I bought a T-shirt and I told them I didn't need to buy their record because I had already acquired it through … other means. Maybe someone should go and make them feel better.
Monday, Nov. 6 - Asobi Seksu w/ Beati Paoli
There's probably nothing I like more than layered, fuzzy guitars. I like them more than I like beer, food, and breasts and those are on everybody's top five, right? Anyway, Asobi Seksu has them (the guitars) in spades, provided that spades = one talented guitarist. If cute Asian women are your bag, I'm sure singer Yuki Chikudate fits the bill (and that name? Fantastic. Chik-u-date. You wish). If not, just gaze at your shoes with the rest of us.
Tuesday, Nov. 14 - Casiotone For the Painfully Alone
I know this guy has gotten a lot of press, but I've never actually heard the music. But with a name like that, how can it not be the greatest act in America?
Thursday, Nov. 16 - My Brightest Diamond w/ Pedestrian
Following in the grand tradition of great bands that begin with "My" (-Bloody Valentine & -Morning Jacket, not necessarily -Chemical Romance), My Brightest Diamond is the brainchild of Sufjan Stevens bandmember Shara Worden. Her songs are dark, poppy, and very reminiscent of the songs of other ladies who make dark and poppy songs.
Tuesday, Nov. 21 - Wolf Eyes
I absolutely cannot stand these guys, but if you are an angry person and enjoy being deaf, maybe you should attend this show.